shadowgraph – Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) Chords


Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019)

Opening Music
Chords: Guitar and Ukulele
Tuning: E A D G B E

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Key: C#

Can you A#m7see the meaning inside yourself…?
Can you A#m7see the meaning in your darkness…?
Oh, A#m7where are you now? Have yG#ou gone away?
Here F#maj7now, iG#s it just a lookalike?
A#m7All of the world is sG#lowly changing
In a F#maj7way G#I cannot sFee from here

A#mkinou mita yAume de wa dG#areka ni yobarGm7b5eteita
fA#murimukeba sokAo ni wa kie mG#o sezu isuwGm7b5atta maboroshi

Can you F#maj7see the mG#eaningAdim inside A#myourself?G#
fui nF#maj7i warG#ai kietAdima kA#moeG#
naze nF#maj7i deFai nazA#me wakarC#e sF#maj7ono imi mo shirazF7u
So, can you F#maj7see the mG#eaning Adimin your dA#markness?G#
kurikF#maj7aeshG#i utsurAdimu kA#mageG#
nanimF#maj7o naFi sonA#mo naka wC#o nanF#maj7ika wo sagashF7i aruki tsuzukerA#m9u
So, hA#mave you thought what tF#ruth means in this world?
Is the “G#/A#truth” enough for you tF7o believe?
A#mAll of the world is sF#lowly changing
In a G#/A#way F7I can not catch up with
Day by F#maj7day, we’re lG#osing Adimour
own A#mshadowsG#
te ni F#maj7iretG#a mono dAdime saA#meG#
te no nF#maj7aka dFe kawA#maru no da tC#o kF#maj7izuiteshimattF7a
So, day by F#maj7day, we’re lG#osingAdim
proof we are hA#mereG#
irozG#maj7uitG#a kono kAdimiri wA#maG#
sekF#maj7ai to nFanotA#mte madC#a sF#maj7hikai no subetF7e wo ootteirA#mu
nanimA#mo nanimo mienG#ai soko ni
itsumF#maj7o itsumo aru hG#azu no mono
hikarA#mi to kage yume tG#o utsutsu no
hazamF#maj7a de odoru “watashG#i” wa doko nF7i iru saa
Can you F#maj7see the mG#eaningAdim inside A#myourself?G#
fui nF#maj7i warG#ai kietAdima koA#meG#
naze nF#maj7i deFai nazA#me wakarC#e sF#maj7ono imi mo shirazF7u
So, can you F#maj7see the mG#eaning Adimin your dA#markness?G#
sono kF#maj7age nG#i ima fAdimuretA#maG#
soshitF#maj7e matFa kiA#mete yukC#u sF#maj7agasu imi sore
dF7ake shinjisasenagarF#maj7aG#AdimA#mG#

Can you F#maj7see the mG#eaningAdim
inside A#myourself?G#F#maj7FA#mC#
No, F#maj7even if you think there’s no use. F7don’t give it up
So, F#maj7everything is nG#othing.Adim
Nothing is A#mallG#F#maj7G#AdimA#mG#
F#maj7Everything is nFothing. NA#mothing is aC#ll
F#maj7Something is here, but we’ll F7never know what it truly A#m9is

watashi wa, dare?

Reference: U-Fret

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